On April 11th at 7:00 pm the Rochester Wolves held a Den meeting to discuss District meeting minutes and regular Den business. We discussed fundraising ideas such as Steeler tickets, regular ticket sales. Also finalized date to meet with Elwood City Den. Next meeting will be a morning meeting on May 18th for breakfast and scholarship review.
The Rochester Wolves Den 10 held their meeting on May 12th at Mike Mamone’s back deck. The Den reviewed applications and voted on 17 scholarship winners. What a beautiful night and a beautiful reason.
Rochester Wolves Den X July 9th monthly meeting and scholarship award night:
The Wolves Den X decided not to hold a formal dinner to celebrate the annual scholarship award winners, instead choose to meet individually with the scholarship award winners in the parking lot outside of the Rochester VFW. A total of 28 scholarships were awarded at $1000.00 each, totaling $28,000.00. Combine that with the $6000.00 annuity given to Penn State Beaver, for a total of $34,000.00 in scholarship money awarded by the Rochester Wolves Den X this 2020 year. This is a personal best by Den X, which is amazing considering the adversity of this year for society.
District meeting held at Rochester VFW. There were 22 members in attendance.
Rochester Wolves Den 10 held their annual scholarship banquet on Wednesday July 24th. 15 recipients of $1,000 scholarships were awarded at the banquet.
Rochester Wolves monthly meeting, voting on scholarship award winners.
Rochester Den X held their annual holiday dinner on Dec 13, 2018 at Oak Arbor Grill in Bridgewater. All roster listed den members attended, and plenty of cheer was had after a long 2018 fundraising year.